Learning Through Play for 70 Years

Photo Policy – Protecting Your Privacy

It’s so hard to be in the classroom observing all sorts of cute behavior, all while wanting to capture those moments for yourself and other parents.  We know you are excited to share photos of the kiddos, but there are some strict guidelines that you agreed to when joining the preschool.
1.  You are not allowed to take pictures of kids on school property with your cell phones or cameras of any kids except for the ones provided by the school.
2.  You are not allowed to give out the smug mug website information to relatives. that means the passwords Respect the community.
3.  If you download photos let the webmaster (webmaster@annandalecoop.org) know that you have downloaded the zip files so he/she knows where to send them to!!

Photographs of the children engaging in every day classroom experiences are an integral part of our program at ACPS.  They are used for documenting children’s growth and development, sharing and communicating with parents, revisiting and remembering experiences with the children, and for many other purposes.  Teachers and co-oping parents take photographs of children using each class’ camera.  Teachers utilize those photos, respecting each family’s stated permission on the photo release form.  When photos are posted on Smug Mug, passwords are used to safeguard privacy.  Children are never identified by name or class in any photograph used on the ACPS website or for any other publicity purpose.

From time to time special events, such as field trips or celebrations occur.  Teachers take photographs of children using each class’ camera. When photos are posted on Smug Mug, passwords are used to safeguard privacy.  Children are never identified by name or class in any photograph used on the ACPS website or for any other publicity purpose.

Parents also often take photographs with their personal cameras at special events. When taking photographs at school sponsored events it is important for parents to remember that families have differing views on sharing those photos, especially via social media.  It is our responsibility to respect those differing views.  Parents are asked to post photographs that contain children other than their own only to Smug Mug with a teacher’s knowledge, using the password protected part of the site.  Parents are further asked not to post photographs that contain children other than their own to any other web based digital sharing or social media site (such as Facebook) unless they have specific permission from that child’s parents.

Thanks for continuing to keep our preschool and safe and happy photogenic place!